Easter is of course a great day filled with eggs, hunts, candy, toys and tons of fun. Sometimes in the midst of things we forget the reason that we are celebrating. Pastor Steve was quick to remind us what Easter means to each and everyone of us today. The day started out with church at 11:00 this am. We attend church at Shepherd of the Valley in Afton, MN. Travis and I joined this church about 2 years before getting married. It was the church that we were married in & where Bennett was baptized. Pastor Steve always shares such a great message at ever service, but Easter is by far our favorite. We had to usher, and then Travis got Bennett from the nursery after our duties were over and we stayed in the cry room. He LOVES the music!
After church, it was off to Kay's to have lunch with Travis' side of the family. Bennett was able to spend some time with his great-grandfather! So special to be able to cherish this time.

Then Kay has Bennett hunt for eggs with money in them. He had a fun time walking around the yard and finding the eggs. He was less then amused with the money, but his piggy bank is happy!

Then it was home for a nap and to get ready for the hunt with Nana & Papa. Once Bennett woke up, he went into the yard and spent over 20 minutes finding all of the things from N & P. He had a great time and each present was better then the one before. We will just say that the Easter bunny was VERY good to Bennett this year!

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