Zander and Bennett enjoying a picnic on the deck!

Zander is telling Bennett a story :)

Such good friends - HUGS!!
Karissa and I have known each other since 4th grade! We spent many a days getting into trouble doing one thing or another. As the years went by, our friendship changed. Guys came and went, we went to middle school, high school, moved away to college, came back to Hudson, got engaged, married and had babies. We have been friends for 20 years and each year it gets better. When Karissa and Jason got married it was like gaining a new friend in Jason. Then Travis came into my life and made things even better. We spent lots of time together as two couples, traveled together and got into some trouble. Now that we have Bennett and Zander, life is so very different, but different in a good way.
Tonight, we went to Jason and Karissa's house for dinner. Back in the day, we would have gone out to dinner, followed by a trip to the bar, where 3 of the 4 would have to much to drink (one had to stay sober to drive) and we would end with an after party and Jason and Karissa's house. Well, tonight we had dinner, followed by some building with blocks and then cookies and ice cream for dessert. To top off the night, the boys chased each other around the kitchen and then Travis and Jason joined in holding Bennett and Zander while running around the kitchen. Tonight was different then those of the past... but different in a good way! We know that Bennett and Zander are going to grow up as great friends - I just hope that can have a part of the relationship that Karissa and I have been lucky enough to share!
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