Saturday, January 24, 2015


4 times a year our Rotaract club serves dinner at Grace Place in New Richmond. This past October, we were on the schedule and I was part of the serving crew. My parents were out of town, Travis was picking up Bennett so Sophia and I were running as a team. She fell asleep on the car ride up to New Richmond. What does a mom of a 2nd baby do in that situation? Take the car seat in, of course! Now, one of the gals who was with and two of the residents, who are all first time parents were looking at me with crazy eyes. You are bringing her in, in the car seat. "Oh you bet I am. And she is going to sleep through the whole meal!" This was her after all the food was prepared and served. Still sleeping away right next to me in the kitchen. After the clean up, I loaded her car seat back up in the car, Sophia still sleeping and she woke up about 5 minutes from home. WINNING!!

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