Saturday, July 31, 2010

One week

In less then one week we will be back in this place:
with Shawn and Kate + one sweet baby Naomi and Bennett is excited to meet Naomi! Can't wait. We will not only be spending time in Denver and Colorado Springs with the Swanson's but then we are going to be heading south to New Mexico. We plan to stay in Santa Fe and travel around the area, see some sights and RELAX! Travis and I can't wait for a nice getaway. As an added bonus it falls at the same time as when my parents will be in Europe traveling. We know that Bennett is going to miss Nana & Papa dearly but hopefully he will be having so much fun he won't even notice that they are gone FOR.THREE.WEEKS.

**Keep us in your thoughts next Friday as we board the plane to Denver. Here's hoping that Bennett is a great little flyer to get out trip off to an awesome start!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I have not published a movie for a while, so I thought it was time. Nothing fancy just B's first time on skates. He loves them so much and can not understand why he can't skate in the summer (outside).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Each year 3M hosts a picnic at Tartan Park for it's employees. My parents took Bennett last year and again this year. Of course, this year he enjoyed it much more now that he can actually play some of the games and take in the entertainment.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh the places I've gone!

I have been to all of the states except for two. Bennett is quickly on his way to making all of the states in a short amount of time. Each of the states that he has visited are shown here:
Several of these states he has been to more then once. He has had several flights since he was born
MSP-ATL 7 weeks old
MSP-MIA 3 months old
MSP-ATL 6 months old
MSP-ATL 9 months old
MSP-PHX 10 months old
MSP-ATL 1 year (birthday party)
MSP-DEN (15 months)
MSP-MIA 18 months old
MSP-ATL 2 years old
MSP-DEN 26 months old
WOW - That is a lot of flying. Too bad most of them were on our lap so he did not earn frequent flyer miles. He has also cruised two times.

Bennett has also traveled outside the US...
San Juan, Puerto Rico
St. Maarten (twice)
St. Thomas
Turks & Caicos
He had a passport issued when he was only 11 days old and has had to use it many times. That was quite the experience trying to get a picture of Bennett with his eyes open at 11 days. Finally, we were able to get it. His passport is going for 5 years. He is a WORLD traveler!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Big Boy Pants

Potty training is a hot topic at our house these days. We are talking to Bennett about going in the potty, what to do when he goes potty and about his "big boy" pants. He loves wearing them and realizes when he goes potty... but not until he has already gone on the floor. So we are still working on a plan. I am hopeful to do the training just like we took away the pacifier. Take the plunge and do it! He did well with things like that before, hopefully potty training will be the same. I am thinking that we will start after we return home from Colorado - it would be great to have him trained before winter time comes with all the bulky clothes and snowsuits.

He is so proud to wear his "big boy" pants! One day he is going to kill me for some of the pictures that I have :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Corn on the Cob!

At the Schneider house we are a bit of corn snobs! We love our corn, but only when it is good and young! As kind of an impromptu dinner with the Hutton's we had some food on the grill and COTC. This was our first corn on the cob of the season... and Bennett's first time eating it off the cob. He loved it enough to eat three ears! Next year he and Elleny will be able to enjoy it together!


Lumberjack Days is known for bringing in HUGE acts and this year was no exception. Chicago was playing on Saturday night! Both Travis and I like Chicago and have the greatest hits :) After we had dinner with Trav's family we decided to venture down to Stillwater, just to check it out. We did not go prepared: we had no stroller, limit juice and not much for snacks. We drove around just trying to see if we could find a spot to park. The odds were against us since my parents parked a mile away at 4:00 and here we are trying to get a spot downtown at 8:30. But sure enough, we parked 1 block away from all of the action. It was perfect. Then We knew that my parent, Sus, Dame, Bill and other's were on the patio at Water Street Inn. As we are walking towards the patio we met up with Sus. She pointed us to the tables. It was a great night, Bennett enjoyed being the only "kid" and got tons of attention.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Big Boy

You want to be like the older boys in the worst way. You worship the ground that Talen and Taren walk on. Whatever they do, you want to! When they are home you are happy, when they are gone - poor Heather.
Even Cress is looked up to in your mind. You love watching him play and enjoying learning new tricks from him. We notice some days you will come home with a new sound or action and we know that came from "the big boys."
LaCrosse is the newest rage. The Motte's are big into lacrosse and now we had to eat dinner with your stick because you can't be away from it. You are so proud to show mommy and daddy how you play! Soon enough you will be a big boy, too.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

26 months

Right after you were born, time was measured in days. You were eight days old.
The next thing I knew you were one month old and we measured your age in months. Each month the 22nd would roll around and we would celebrate!
I blinked and you were one year old - after that I still measured in months, just because each month was so important.
Now you are TWO. Just two! No days, no weeks, no months - just two. For 365 days you will be two. We have 304 more days to call you two. I am going to savor every moment.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kayak the Kinni

This past weekend Travis and I ventured down the Kinnikinnic river in kayaks with Rotaract. It was a great time, and I can't believe that I am 30 years old and have never done it before. The river was so beautiful and the adventure was just awesome. You really take for granted all of the wonderful things that we have available to us... so close by! That is one of the things that I really love about Rotaract - it gives us an excuse to get out and do some things that we might otherwise never experience. I can't wait for the day that we can take Bennett kayaking - and for that matter white water rafting - MY FAVORITE!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Bennett is in a daddy phase right now! That means that he is obsessed with Daddy and only wants him all of the time. From everything to eating with him, playing with him, watching him play softball and bathing... Daddy is the one!
A perfect example is getting ready for bedtime the past couple of nights. We bath Bennett every night. I think that it is so much easy to just shower with him, versus run the bath, bathe him and then do it for yourself as well. So, I asked Bennett on Saturday night if he would shower with me. In the past he has always hated the shower. (I am also trying to prepare him for the upcoming showers while we are on vacation). Needless to say, he screamed bloody murder during the entire shower. I mean, if you were downstairs listening to him, you would have called child services on me. On the other hand, Travis asked Bennett tonight if he wanted to take a shower. Bennett immediately stripped down and walked into the shower with Travis - not even a peep. Then he has the nerve to tell me when I am getting him dressed - more shower! Really, Bennett!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


So, Travis won a Twins statue a few weeks ago at a golf tournament. We had kept it tucked away in the closet and this weekend Bennett found it. He is IN LOVE with it! Why, I am not sure! He calls it "baseball." So everyday we need to tell it goodbye when we leave the house, good night when he goes to bed and he wants to hold it all the time! This was the process of telling "baseball" goodnight! Longer processing then telling mommy and daddy goodnight!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Bennett and Elleny had some fun time tonight hanging out in B's chair!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Maddie & Bennett... A peek into the future!

Holding hands!
Outside of Ellie's bar downtown Hudson. They kept trying to open the door. Susan and I saw a quick peek into the future!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Papa Fly...

Normally the beginning of this sentence is finished with the word kite. But in just a few short months it will be Papa fly PLANE?!? Yes, today Bennett presented Papa with his books to start taking the courses to get his pilot's license. I let you guess if Nana will ever fly with him...

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Tonight we went to the Ashley's for some play time and relaxiation. The boys had tons of fun playing together and Bennett got his first experience in a canoe. From the picture you will see that we are glad it was in the grass, not on the water!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Bennett is never an early riser. When he does wake up, he starts talking in his room and I sneak in and say good morning. He has a room darkening shade so it is SUPER dark in the room. He has a hard time adjusting so I only turn the light on a bit. This was in the middle of getting undressed this morning - too cute not to take a picture.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

(More) Waterpark

Well, Bennett had another great adventure to the waterpark with my parents. They had a nice time and Bennett came home asking to go back to the waterpark and for more slides.

Working on his floating!
Chillaxin' by the pool!
This waterpark stuff is great!
Papa just did the plunge slide - Bennett was pretty impressed!
The hotel room.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Papa Love

Papa love is something special.
Something that causes Bennett to go from happy to raging mad if Papa walks out the door. Something that causes Bennett to screech at the top of his lungs when he hears papa's voice walk in the door.
Something that forces Papa to carry Bennett around all day - when three others are around to hold him, but he only wants Papa.
Something that means every scooter we pass causes Bennett to scream - PAPA because he thinks he is near by.
Something that means Bennett is truly, madly in love with his Papa! You can see it in his face :)

I think that the feeling might be mutual!