In less then one week we will be back in this place:

with Shawn and Kate + one sweet baby Naomi and Bennett is excited to meet Naomi! Can't wait. We will not only be spending time in Denver and Colorado Springs with the Swanson's but then we are going to be heading south to New Mexico. We plan to stay in Santa Fe and travel around the area, see some sights and RELAX! Travis and I can't wait for a nice getaway. As an added bonus it falls at the same time as when my parents will be in Europe traveling. We know that Bennett is going to miss Nana & Papa dearly but hopefully he will be having so much fun he won't even notice that they are gone FOR.THREE.WEEKS.
**Keep us in your thoughts next Friday as we board the plane to Denver. Here's hoping that Bennett is a great little flyer to get out trip off to an awesome start!