Well, Friday I will be leaving for CA. Huntington Beach to be specific. The first time that I will leave Bennett with the exception of a couple of overnights at Nana or Grandma's house. I will be gone for 3 days (5 days, but won't see B for three of them). I was really feeling bummed about being away from him, but I know that it is the best for everyone. So Nana and Papa will be here to take care of Bennett since Travis is still working mad hours. I am sure that they will have a great time... Bennett is in love with everything outside and just screams when we have to go in for the night so I am guessing that they will be playing outside the whole time I am gone.
So Friday, I fly out to California. I am going to connect with a long lost friend on Saturday... I can't wait to see her. Jen moved to CA a few years ago and works for Callaway. She loves CA, but I know that lots of people miss her here at home. Then Sunday I have to work the trade show and Monday will be a nice day of relaxation. I am thinking that even though it will be so hard to be away from Bennett, I will enjoy the time. So California... here I come!
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