Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The Market
No time to blog... selling 900 items at the munchkin markets! Will be back next week!! Hopefully with a lot of empty bins and a few dollars in our pockets :-)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Stanley Cup
This is from a while back, but still trying to catch up. Back in August Davis Drewiske was able to bring the Stanley Cup home to Hudson for 24 hours to do what he would like with it. Karen works in our building and so Davis was kind enough to bring it by the office. Karen had some friends coming to the office and said that it would be great to bring Bennett in that day for pictures.
The public was invited to the Hudson Hockey to view the cup and take pictures, but we knew that was going to be a long line. This was the ultimate experience to be with Davis, the cup and get pictures and autographs. We talked with Bennett for 2 weeks - about the cup, hockey, the meanings and what a big deal this was. He was so excited he could hardly wait.
He came with me to work and we waited for Davis to arrive. Bennett had his Badger hat for him to autograph and had made a card for him as well.
3:00 rolled around and the time came... Davis was here and the cup was in the building. We went over to Al's office where a bunch of people had gathered. Some were talking, others taking pictures. Karen called Bennett up to see Davis and take a picture. What did he do? Went and hid under a desk - see picture! So, you can imagine my mind when this is happening - here we are at a big moment and my child has run and is hiding from Davis and the Stanley cup. So, Davis being awesome grabs the cup, brings it down on the ground and is trying to talk to Bennett. But still no luck!
In the end it all worked out and we got a group picture and he got Davis' autograph on his hat. Such a fun and memorable experience! I can't wait to tell him the story when he gets a bit older and understands the significance!!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Planning has begun for our 15 year class reunion. Hard to believe that 15 years have passed since we roamed the halls of HHS. Until I make a visit back to school - for a delivery, pick up, etc. Suddenly, I am the one the kids are all starring at... you know the "old lady." The one that has kids, drives a mom car and wears weird clothes. I remember seeing this people as we were in high school and thinking they were so old. Now, I know that 33 is not old, but when you look back at the 16, 17 and 18 year olds it sure feels like a lifetime ago.
The one thing I will say is you could not pay me any amount of money to go back to high school. Life was good then, but life is so much better now. And with so many things in life, we get to take away the good pieces... from high school the friends!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A new face
This is a new expression... one we haven't seen before! She looks a bit puzzled (maybe because I am talking screaming behind the camera for her to smile or maybe because she can't figure out why every five minutes I am taking a picture of her. Either way she thinks I am crazy. It doesn't matter though, because I love her!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Being gone over Isabella's birthday I did not get her post on the blog. So, we are one month late :-) I will never forget the day Isabella was born! I was scheduled to fly that morning to Atlanta hoping that she would arrive at some point that week since I was on spring break. Well, as luck would have it, we got the call before we left for the airport - Marita was in labor. My parents dropped me off at the airport, I flew to Atlanta and got onto the Marta as fast as I could. My final stop was Northside hospital! I walked into the hospital just as Caryn & Eduardo were leaving with Daniella (who had been born two days before) Isabella had arrived and was just perfect. I held her and was overjoyed! She screamed - the picture pretty much sums it up! Happy Birthday Isabella! We love you!!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Round UP
Kindergarten is quickly approaching. And whether I like it or not, Bennett is going to turn 5, is going to board the big yellow bus in the fall and make his way to Kindergarten. And while I might be less then excited for the new phase in life, Bennett could not be more ready and thrilled to make his start at River Crest! He can harldy wait - from the talk about school, his friends that will be at River Crest, his new clothes for kindergarten, how he is ready because of the skills he has... the list goes on and on. So, while I would like to keep him my baby forever I know that he is going to love school, love learning and thrive in this new phase in his life. I know I will embrace it... eventually!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013
The good life!
My mom is getting ready to retire at the end of the school year. As the day gets closer she keeps reminding us of how many Mondays she has. Or that this is the last parent teacher conferences or culture fair. An exciting time for her to move into a new and relaxing phase in life. As I was driving this week I noticed the old HMS and reminded me of where it all began. I can remember as a tiny little girl going Christmas caroling with her students, thinking I was so cool going to school with my mom! Follow that up with having your mom for a 6th grade teacher. While it was a bit of a balancing act, it had its perks!! Changing in the closet for ski club, always having money for lunch and maybe getting a sneak peek at the monthly seating chart!!
I know that my mom has enjoyed all of the students that she has worked with, the colleagues that she has collaborated with and the friendships that she has made. I can imagine that it will be tough to say good-bye and walk out those doors in June, but I think it might make it a bit easier knowing that she has played a part in shaping thousands of students that passed through her classroom.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Shelley Maria
Happy Birthday Shelley! It seems almost impossible that it was 14 years ago at 3:00 in the afternoon we received a call that you had arrived. I can remember all of the anticipation that surrounded us as we were waiting for your arrival. I went to Atlanta for spring break in March. Bringing with an entire suitcase filled with clothes, bibs, hats and other goodies! It was so fun to put the finishing touches on the nursery with your mom.
And then you entered this world and I had to wait a whole three weeks to come and meet you. But I was lucky enough to be able to stay for a month once I arrived in Atlanta! It has been so fun watching you grow and I treasure all of the wonderful memories that we have together. Being your godmother is such an honor and now to have you as Sophia's godmother is so special!
We love you Shelley!!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Hunt
When we got home from church, the Easter bunny had left his mark. And boy, Bennett and Sophia must have been pretty good with all the loot he left for them!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
April 15th
The day most Americans dread. Tax day! We in our house look forward to its arrival each year. That means that busy season has come to a close and we have made it through the last 4 months of Travis working non stop 70-80 hour weeks, 7 days a week. It is what you sign up for when you are a CPA, but it doesn't make it any easier knowing what to expect. When January rolls around it seems like April will never arrive. Though each year we get to this point, look back and it wasn't that bad. Tonight Travis celebrates with his co-workers and tomorrow he comes home at 5:00. We can't wait!!
April 15th in years past...
Travis sleeps at 9:37
Bennett sleeps
Bennett's gift for making it through tax season. It is tough when daddy is gone!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Jump around
Oh how she loves her jumper. She gets going and is flying all over the place! Here she was just getting ready :-) Hold on Sophia!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
2nd tooth
Last night as we were getting ready for bed and Bennett kept monkeying around with his tooth showing us how loose it was. He wanted to keep the light on in the bedroom and I knew he was determined to get the tooth out. And sure enough that little bugger got it out shortly after. So proud and excited for the tooth fairy.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Hello, Mother Nature... are you out there?!?
April 10th and the forecast is expecting 6-10 inches of snow, blustery winds and 32 degrees. The one thing that I love about blogging is being able to look back in previous years and see what we were up to. Last year at this time I was very pregnant... getting ready to shovel 14 yards of mulch with my dad and Bennett. We had already been out on the boat and had been to the state park a couple of times fishing with a picnic. Fast forward to April 2013, we can't go outside without winter jackets, a bike ride requires a down jacket, hat and winter gloves and I look out the window and the white stuff is floating towards the ground. The one good thing about April snow is that we know it won't be around for long. The temps for the next 10 days are forecasted around 40 degrees.
So looking forward to the warmer weather when we can get outside and do more of this. Look mom no training wheels!!!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
How can it be? 11 months ago this morning Dr. Flynn was visiting in the morning wondering what the night had brought. Telling us that when this baby decided to come she knows it is going to happen quickly. Things seem to be taking forever and Travis and I can only sit and stare at each other for so long. Finally when lunch rolls around and we are still seeing little action, I send him to Jimmy John's - because who doesn't crave JJ when they are in labor. Off he goes, comes back a bit later and I devour my sandwich. Not so much as to finish my last bite as the contractions come on with a vengeance and we go from 0 to 60 in a matter of minutes. A few check ups, minutes that seem like they lasted hours, an anesthesiologist that ran out of the room so he did not have to deliver a baby and Dr. Flynn walking in to make small talk with Travis and I who was greeted by the overly nervous nurse who has not let me move off my side for fear that baby would be born before Dr. Flynn arrived. One push later and we welcomed Sophia Ann into this world... and we have been forever changed. How can it be that 11 months have passed us by, yet on the other hand it seems like she has been with us for so long. The growing, learning, exploring - we all just sit, watch and take it in and she teaches us something new everyday. Today on her 11 month birthday eve she was the happiest little baby anyone could ask for. All day long all she did was laugh and smile.
11 months ago our family was completed! 1 month from today we are going to celebrate our baby girl and one year of her wild and precious life. We love you, Sophia Ann!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Gator boys
Nana and I took the kids to Costo last week. Bennett was picking out one new thing several things that Nana was going to buy him. This snorkel set topped the list. He had to have it because Paul from Gator Boys wears a snorkel set when searching for the gators. This is B on the ride home from Costco. He has followed this up by snorkeling in the bathtub nightly. Hey, whatever works, right?!?

Sunday, April 7, 2013
I will do a more in depth post about Easter once I have all the pictures together. But in the mean time, here is our little gal searching... Where is that stuff the bunny brought me.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Maplewood Mall
While Nana and Papa were on vacation for spring break we were looking for things to fill the weekends. We headed over to the Maplewood Mall, took in some shopping and even rode the carrousel. Sophia's first ride!! Not the best picture, but that was me taking a picture of us standing up on a moving carrousel.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Take off
Last week was my TJ convention. We flew from MSP to Tampa for the convention which was in St. Petersburg. Of course, the week of convention Sophia came down with a runny nose, cough and ear infection. Luckily we were able to get her in to the chiropractor for a couple of adjustments before we left. The flight went well and she was a rock star the entire time we were away. Here we are getting ready to leave MSP!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Make the bed, do the dishes, fold your laundry...
My mom likes to remind me sometimes often that I did not do "chores" or help around the house when I was young (or a teenager for that matter). She tells me that all the laundry creates is payback. I however am asking Bennett to help around the house. He is in charge of making his bed. This is the third or fourth time he did it. Pretty good if you ask me!
I am still working on getting him to do the laundry - his excuse is he is too short!
Monday, April 1, 2013
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