Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
River Falls hosts the Riverdazzle parade, which is a small scale Holidazzle. We decided to check out the festivities this year and we were not disappointed. Besides being able to sit in the warmth and comfort of Trav's office, we were also able to enjoy a lovely carriage ride through the woods along the Kinni in town. Such a great event!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Oh, how I love the Christmas season. Snow and presents, carols and fires, santa and Christmas cards. I love going to the mailbox each day and pulling out all the envelopes filled with little treasures from all the people that are dear to us! Our box of cards arrived last week and I am in love with them! So we spent the week preparing them with addresses, stamps, stuffing and sealing them. Today, Bennett and I dropped them in the mail so they will be arriving to all of our friends and family in the next couple of days! So great to send a receive!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday
So, Thanksgiving has passed and everyone knows that I love to get some good deals. That means that this year Travis and I rolled out of bed at 2:15 and were out the door at 2:30 off to shop. Herberger's was our first stop at 3:00 am followed by Target and Wal-Mart. Shopping on Black Friday requires lots of planning, some skill and a bit of luck. Today, we had all of it! Travis dropped me at the door at Herberger's, I was able to find what I was looking for and bypass the line of over 100 people to a side checkout where I was number 4 in line. JACKPOT! We were leaving the parking lot at 3:15 and off to Target (in Hudson). Arriving at the store at 3:30 we pulled up to a massive line that spanned one side of the building and was wrapping onto the second. We waited in the car for about 10 minutes and headed outside to wait. We were on the side that had no wind, which meant much more pleasant conditions. We saw lots of funny people, but the best was a couple that walked around the corner, saw the huge line and he said to her... "You don't even have anything that you want to buy". She replied back "I just wanted to experience it." They promptly turned around and headed back to the car.
At 4:00 am when the doors opened the employees greeted us with pictures and video of the crowds and Travis and I were on a mission to the back of the store. With teamwork we gathered all of our items in about three minutes and were headed to the checkout. We were now second in line at the checkout in electronics, meaning we were out the door by 4:20 from Target - with all of the items that we came for. Another huge success!!! Then the last stop was Wal-Mart where we had nothing that was a 5:00 am item, so we gather all of our items and hit the checkouts at 4:57 just before the madness started! All in all it was a great day and we saved A LOT of money. Some may think we are crazy, but this tradition is growing on the both of us!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
We are thankful for the many blessings in our lives! Thankful for all of our family that mean so much to us and help us out in all that we do. Thankful for all of the friends that bless our lives daily and make it so much fun. Thankful for the wonderful daycare that Bennett is able to attend and for such a wonderful provider in Heather. Thankful that we are both able to go to work each day to jobs that we enjoy! Thankful that we are able to travel to places new and old. Thankful for our health because we all know that without our health, life is just that much more difficult. Thankful for a beautiful home, filled with such wonderful luxuries that make day to day life that much easier. Thankful to have some money in the bank and in our pockets. Thankful to live in a beautiful neighborhood, in an amazing community in this country. And most of all thankful for our faith which makes all of these things possible!
Monday, November 22, 2010
First Snow
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Take 1... or not!
Trying to get some video of Bennett tonight, he did not want to cooperate. He was all about goofy!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
So, blogging has been lacking lately. Why? you ask... because Bennett has decided that he needs to go to be after midnight EVERY.NIGHT! So entertaining Bennett (or trying to get him to settle down) has become a full time job. Blogging has to take a backseat for the moment until these sleep issues get resolved at our house :(At least he is sleeping the same amounts... just going down later. This am he woke up after 11:30.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Oliver's Celebration
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Who knew?
That a bank could put on one heck of a holiday gathering! Bennett and I ventured over to M&I Bank for a holiday celebration that they were hosting to benefit the food shelf. It was a great time - Bennett was able to eat pizza, play games, make a present for his daddy and visit with Santa. He was not quite sure about Santa, but when he called out his name, Bennett could not resist walking over to sit on his lap. Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas, but Bennett's lips were sealed. I guess that means he is leaving the decision up to him!
Making a "DAD" picture frame.
And frosting his own cookie. Which was promptly followed by eating said cookie!
Toilet bowl toss!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Good to share...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Calendar, that is! The German tradition was always a great one in our home as I was growing up. I loved opening the days and getting the little chocolate out as the days went by to Christmas.
Nana wanted to make sure that Bennett enjoyed the tradition just as much as I did. Actually, even more since she thought that he could have two calendars - an advent calendar for November and December. Bennett got one from Nana tonight to open for the rest of November. That was at approximately 5:00. Here it is at 10:00...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
10 on the 10th!
1. Bennett loves the word NOT. And uses it often. Too often.
2. Bennett's vocabulary is ever expanding. He is speaking in sentences, paragraphs actually. Sometimes it seems as thought he never stops talking. It is soooo funny to listen to what he says!
3. Bennett loves to do everything on his own. He wants to help with his medicine. Pick out his clothes. Go potty. He is very independent.
4. Last week, Bennett cried overnight for about 5 hours. He had a ruptured ear drum.
5. His memory is better then mine. He remembers things from today, this past weekend and this summer. He does not miss a beat!
6. The ski helmet that my parents bought his last year has become the fashion accessory of the season.

7. Bennett has a new ski DVD from papa. He never makes a peep in the car while he watches it.
8. DVD players in the car are worth their weight in gold! Bennett is the best traveler in the car. Sometimes we are not even sure if he is in the car.
9. Swimming continues to be a favorite activity, though raquetball is following in a close second. We make frequent trips to the Y!
10. Bennett's new favorite clothing are his jammies. He gets home each night and asks immediately to put on his jammies!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
You might be a redneck...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Halloween... Revisited
So, I know that I am a little behind on the holidays, but here are the events that made up our halloween 2010~
Rotary Halloween Day Parade - 57th annual
Following Elleny at the parade!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The perfect game!
Friday night we had no plans. We decided after dinner to head to the local bowling alley because, c'mon who doesn't like a good game of bowling on a Friday night! It was Bennett first time to the bowling alley and he LOVED it. He was just amazed at the whole process... LONG PROCESS!
Here goes the ball.
Here is the same ball about 6 minutes later knocking down about 5 pins.
Waiting for his ball to do it all over again.
Once he got the hang of it (and with a little help from Trav and I) he was able to bowl a whole 10 frames. We kept score and Bennett rolled a 66! Including a spare. Not to shabby for his first outing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
So, this week I am up to my eyeballs in work. I have lots of things to blog about with the adventures that Bennett takes us on, however right now - work has to come first! Hoping that I will be back next week :)
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