This past weekend we took Bennett to Fawn-Doe-Rosa in St. Croix Falls. Bennett loved watching and feeding all of the animals. We talked about all of the different animals that we saw and what they did. He is very good at making animal sounds and identifying different animals. It was a great family day :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Bennett got a tent/tunnel from his Tia & Tio for his birthday. We make a point to put some of the presents away and bring them out throughout the year so that he always has something new to play with. When he first saw his surprise in the room, he was so excited! It was tons of entertainment for Bennett (and us) tonight! Great present - thanks Troy, Marita, Shelley, Allison & Isabella!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Neighbors... Friends!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Bennett has worked with Papa in the garden, which was a lot of fun for everyone involved. Today Bennett and I went to the Camp St. Croix Garden with some friends from Rotaract as part of our August service project. It was a good time for everyone, especially Bennett. He loves to pull weeds and help out around the yard, but this garden was much bigger then the one he is used to seeing.
Bennett assessing the situation...

See the all broccoli. At the end of the day, Bennett had pulled it all out and hauled away for compost in the pile.
We picked some basil to bring home and make pesto.
Pulling the carrots.
Bennett really wanted to use the pitchfork rather then pull the carrots... just a few more years buddy!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Hide (and seek)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Back again...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Championship Season
This summer we were on softball overload. Tonight, the season came to a close. What a year it was - 3 tournament championships and won every time. Third place in both leagues! It was a great (long) year but a lot of fun... not to mention the memories.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bennett loves some food, likes others and is not a fan of a lot of it! Raspberries were a food that we found for B only a few months ago. He absolutely loves them! Tonight, he ate one full bin of them... and was still asking for more!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Moving on up
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Growing like a weed
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tonight went a bit different then expected. We were planning on going to dinner and then down to Pepperfest. We ended up making a trip to the ER after cutting out of dinner in a hurry! As we were leaving Champps, Bennett was running, tripped and fell on the step. Went right down on his head and caught himself on the metal edge of the step. Blood was everywhere, we rushed out of the restaurant and headed right over to the Woodwinds ER. Bennett rode in the back of the car on Trav's lap, while I drove. Once there, we got checked in and they proceeded to put some numbing gel on the cut, so that he would be ready once they called us back. We waiting about 45 minutes and Tia Sue came over to visit Bennett. It was a nice break and she brought some great things to play with. Once in the room, the doctor came in, checked Bennett out and proceeded to get ready for stitches. Sure enough - six of them!!! And here Travis and I were wondering if we should even go into the hospital! YIKES!!! Bennett was a trooper through the whole procedure and only cried when the doctor was cleaning it. Now, we head back in to see Dr. Plotnik in a couple of days to have them removed. Hopefully it will heal nicely and the whole night will just be a memory!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Big Boy Bed
Well, we will see how much sleep comes our way tonight. Bennett is in his big boy bed for the first time tonight. He is soooo excited and proud. He loved walking into his bed and crawled right in. We videotaped the whole thing and he was proud to narrate. We will let you know how cute it is in the morning! Or middle of the night!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Grandma's House
We are on a quick break from parenthood tonight as Bennett is spending the night at Grandma Kay's house! We will return to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow night!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I started thinking about the next few weeks as summer comes to a close and all of the wonderful fall activities are upon us. This lead me to think back on our summer and all of the great things that we have done... and how much fun everything is with Bennett. I started to see a pattern - I think we are somewhat predictable.
August 2009

Anxiously waiting for 2010 State Fair?!?!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Bennett's speech has increased ten fold in the past two weeks. I am not sure if it has something to do with spending all this time with Travis and I, but whatever it was he is talking like crazy! Before he was putting words together and talking. His words are abundent. Now he is making LONG sentences. Like "Mommy, I watch softball." "Bow-wow goes potty." "I go potty on the potty." "I watch softball now, Mommy." These are just a few examples of things he is saying. The other thing is that what he is saying, makes sense! What amazes both Travis and I is just how fast this transition came on. He really is growing up!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
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